Become an Affiliate Charity
If you represent a charity, the Big Blue Thank You is a powerful way to engage your existing supporters, and raise awareness and funds for you in a positive way.
Charities can become a Big Blue Thank You Affiliate Charity, at no cost, via the justrunning charity platform. If you already use justrunning you will automatically have access to these benefits in your account. By becoming a Big Blue Thank You affiliate charity you;
- Will be given access to create a account where by you can send complimentary 'invitations' directly to your supporters to ask them to join the Big Blue Thank You community and support you
- Will appear in the searchable drop down list of affiliate charities that individuals choose from to select the beneficiary of their Big Blue Thank You
- Will appear on the Big Blue Thank You website as an affiliate charity
- Can use the to promote Big Blue Thank You to your supporters (Access Code = positive0707)
justrunning understand that many charities are working with reduced staff teams at this time, so we are working closely with JustGiving to encourage donations and the creation of JustGiving pages at the point of joining, meaning the admin involved with contacting individuals to prompt fundraising or donation actions is done by us.
If you are a charity and want to get involved in becoming a Big Blue Thank You affiliate charity, please click the button below, set up an account and you can immediately start sending free 'invitations' to your supporters.
If you are an existing charity, Big Blue Thank You is live within your portal now at and you can start sending free invitations to your supporters today.
If you have any questions you would like to ask before becoming an Affiliate Charity of the Big Blue Thank You, please email [email protected]